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Capacitive sensors in cuboid design with IO-Link

Reliably detect levels and objects and avoid downtime

Our compact capacitive Q40 sensors now offer IO-Link. They reliably detect levels or objects without contact, even through non-metallic housing walls of containers and pipes with wall thicknesses of up to 4-6 mm.

The IO-Link interface gives you extended application and setting options. The sensor can be easily installed with a standard industrial three-core cable. You can also position the sensors in the machine directly at the point of action, because the accessibility of the sensor no longer plays a role.

Process monitoring, configuration and error analysis of the IO-Link sensors take place in the control system. This makes machine processes time-optimized and operations become more efficient.

The special features

  • Detect levels and objects through the walls of non-metallic containers
  • Standard technology: for non-conductive media as well as for object detection
  • For housing wall thicknesses of up to 4 - 6 mm
  • Operating modes: Standard IO mode (SIO), IO-Link mode


  • Capacitive sensors in cubic design with IO-Link

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