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Resolution, non-linearity, accuracy

What resolution, non-linearity and accuracy mean

Did you know that the resolution, non-linearity and accuracy are amongst the most important features of a measuring sensor system? These vary significantly depending on the application requirement and the measuring principle. We will explain the terms now.


Linearity deviation

Resolution is the smallest possible physical change which the measuring system can detect.

Non-linearity is the maximum deviation from a straight line that connects the zero point of a measuring range with the end point/ full scale. There is a linear relationship between the position or distance traveled and the output signal.

High precision, poor accuracy

Low precision, good accuracy

High precision + good accuracy = accuracy

Repeat accuracy

Accuracy is a measure of the agreement between measuring result and the true value for the measurand. Therefore, high accuracy can only be achieved when the precision is high and the correctness is good. Another term in this connection is repeat accuracy. This results when a certain point is always approached under unchanged conditions.

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Balluff GmbH

Schurwaldstraße 9
73765 Neuhausen a.d.F.