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Stamping: Minimize downtime and setup time and ensure removal

Stamping places a load on the sensors as well as the tools. Balluff sensors and accessories function with high reliability even under high forces. Our rugged components let you minimize downtime and reduce your overall costs.

Increased product variety requires more frequent tool changes and equipment refitting. But when the presses stop, the costs don't. Our inductive couplers simplify tool changes by transmitting the power and signals without contact. This provides high flexibility while also preventing wear. An ID stored in the sensor/actuator hub prevents incorrect associations. With IO-Link sensors, the parameter data can be stored directly in the IO-Link master, so no time-consuming reentering of parameters is necessary. The system loads the data directly into the device.

Removal of stamped parts over slides or belt conveyors needs to run without interruption to avoid bottlenecks and protect the stamping tools from damage. Our light curtains and inductive sensors immediately report any backup to keep parts moving efficiently.

Application examples