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Industries and Solutions
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Material flow error-free control

BIS industrial RFID systems

Material flow error-free control

In warehouses or storage areas with high throughput, many material entries are made with the aim of always knowing exactly which stocks are leaving thewarehouse and which items are arriving. Ideally, the recording should be auto­mated. Our stationary RFID gate is the optimal solution for this: it records objects up to a distance of six meters fully automatically and in batches, which saves time and minimizes error rates. For maximum usability, you can also integrate the Balluff SmartLight signal light directly and keep an eye on what is happening at all times without any additional effort.


  • Automatic, time-optimized and correct recording of goods movements
  • Increased accuracy of inventory figures through synchronization of digital and real goods inventory
  • Error minimization, as mistyping or forgetting is ruled out
  • SmartLight for process visualization can be integrated


  • Industry brochure white goods – household appliances
  • Industry brochure electronics industry